Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oh for an adventure!

The Lord informed me that he would be leaving very early this morning to take his trusty (and rusty) MG to the mechanic in Massachusetts en route to a meeting in Connecticut. "Early?" (Envious as I love early mornings trips). "Five-thirty and I'm taking Al. He loves an adventure."

An adventure? Has The Lord been evolving right before my eyes? Isn't this the man who famously said "that's why they call it work" when I complained about some nimcompoop boss.

Having studied at the School of Seven Dwarves where whistling is taught before grammar, I marvel when people talk about burnout and on the job agony and yet cannot imagine an alternative (and fight me if I try to suggest one.)

Call me naive but I do have a few examples of people who turn the everyday into an adventure. Take Miss Dazzle who parlayed a consulting gig into running one of the country's preeminent tabletop accessories company. Despite an hour commute and an 11 hour day, Miss Dazzle uses her "toing" time to talk fashion, politics and culture while keeping her relationships current and close. Or Miss W., who leads a first-rate public relations firm wearing rockstar glamorous clothes, teetering heels and wielding a blackberry that emits literary and literate missives rather than incomprehensible responses. Although this wonder woman once "packed it in," today she's a force and having the time of her life.

Could Dazzle's and Miss W.'s success have something to do with attitude? Hmmm....


  1. Oh my goodness, too good to be true department. Ellen is blogging. How often are you going to post. This will be addictive. Wonderfully addictive.

    With love and admiration,

  2. I've told you, haven't I, my mother thinks it unsophisticated to smile too much. I am feeling very unsophisticated after reading your third paragraph. and as long as i am speaking of smiles, you seem to through your punches while smiling. excess. please.
    My feet are firmly stuck in the mud standing on my own ground. have abandoned the sunrise for the time being and am spending my time digging holes. laughing a lot. preparing for the new year. singing. producing, however, not responsible for the flowers in the garden. I adore you. give us more! more!

    love susi

  3. E~
    How wonderful to hear your voice even when I'm not directly in your orbit! I love the Third Paragraph. It is so you, so full of electricity and the origin of the name is so unique (and charming) --all in all, it's spot on!

    I can't wait for more!
    Crisply yours,

