Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Socks to the Knee!

Hmmm. For the last few weeks, I've been weighing whether to focus on the most logical or the most frivolous way to approach the economic downturn. While The Lord would advocate for logic, my penchant is to leave that to the more sober-minded and look for opportunities to demonstrate a more creative mindset.

This is absolutely not the right time to lay low. Yes, I know, that does seem to be the most natural stance to take but it's counterproductive. Do not hide and do not keep your mouth shut. This is the time to come out swinging! Those who can demonstrate a confident, easy and accessible manner will have the edge when the going gets less bumpy.

Out-charm your competition with an engaging manner that puts people at ease. Smile first, initiate a hello, start a conversation with a stranger, hold the door, stand when you shake hands, offer compliments, write handwritten thank you notes, return your phone calls, close the loop on emails, offer referrals, recommendations and research and treat people as if you're incredibly happy to see them.

Knife-blade sharp pant creases, polished shoes, manicured nails, up-to-date eyeglasses, freshly-laundered shirts, socks to the knees (men), textured socks under pants (women), off-beat accessories like a beret paint a picture of someone with disciplined panache.

Wit, humor, whimsy can't be underestimated especially now when the stakes are high. President-Elect Obama is a study of someone who relishes the chance to be witty while still keeping his hand on the rudder. The importance of being (too) earnest is vastly over-rated.

Nurture your contacts so they're ready if you need them. It's so much easier to cross a bridge than build one. Use the holiday as a reason to call or send a card but for godssakes don't send a Christmas letter. (Have some mercy.)

1 comment:

  1. http://www.barterbooks.co.uk/keepcalm.php
