Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Channeling Howard Beale

You would think the management of the ultra-haute gym (for New Jersey, anyway) I frequent would put the absolutely most fabulous people at the front desk. And the owner does...a delightful and people-pleasing Marco who does a superb job. But when I arrived this morning and went through the checklist ("is MSNBC/Morning Joe on a monitor?") one of the gym's physical trainers was standing alongside Marco demonstrating attitude. Excuse me, ATTITUDE. Affecting a look that was a combination of rolled eyes and contempt, the clod nearly got away with it except...I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE ("Network").

Have you seen that 1976 classic movie? A deranged network anchor by the name of Howard Beale starts to rant and rave about the media, finally throwing open the window and shouting, well, see above. He was referring to the media's inanity. I am referring to the insolent and obnoxious behavior that somehow got a pass way back a few months ago (pre-Recession) but suddenly doesn't feel right. Today's Times has a story about how the recession has forced sales people to be nice to customers. Quelle horror! On Madison Avenue, no less. Who's going to shop now that humiliation and indifference are verboten? Very troubling.

I started to walk into the gym but stopped in my tracks. I went back to the desk, to the arrogant young man and asked him "What's with you?" Again, the vacant stare. "I don't enjoy starting my day like this. Kindly do not Dead Fish me again." I swear I could hear applause coming from the ladies' locker room.

You would think that the management of this ultra-haute gym (awright, maybe not ultra haute) would talk to his employees about customer service especially in a time of cholera. Gyms are wonderful places but they're not high on a list of consumerables like milk and bread. And with the weather getting warmer, you can get a terrific workout in the park or on a bike. For a lot less money than a gym membership.

I think I'm being way too hopeful when I write "you would think." Clearly no one at this gym, ultra haute or not, is thinking. And that's too bad because once you open the window and starting ranting, it's awfully hard to stop.

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